Everything about Digital Smile Design

Everything about Digital Smile Design

Digital Smile Design is a digital design of the smile by means of the study the relationships between the teeth, gums, and lips of the patient in order to plan their treatment virtually.

This technique was born in response to a new patient with demands and aesthetic expectations much more demanding, who wants to see what will be the result of their treatment before even starting it. The dentist who practices the DSD, therefore, is not a simple dental specialist, but a “Smile Designer” who will achieve the right balance in the face of each patient.

A great advantage of this innovative system is that it does not require special medical equipment. With digital photographs taken correctly and in good resolution the dentist can study each case and plan their treatment virtually.

An improvement in the aesthetic planning and the design of the smile: with the Digital Smile Design the dentist plans to the millimeter all the dental treatment of the patient.
An improvement in communication between the dental interdisciplinary team: thanks to the DSD, all specialists involved in the case, from dentists and maxillofacial surgeons to laboratories can consult and discuss at any time the ideal treatment plan. This allows the laboratory to translate the entire treatment plan into a real aesthetic test that the patient can see before the treatment is performed.
An improvement in doctor-patient communication: the patient can comment on the final result and share with the specialist their doubts and concerns about the treatment. Together, they can get the ideal simulation for both of the final smile.

With all this, we see that Digital Smile Design is not only a virtual planning technical tool, but a work philosophy that allows a more controlled monitoring of the treatment by professional and patient, which translates into more efficiency and greater satisfaction of our patients.

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